9420 Norton Commons Blvd
Prospect, KY 40059


9363 Viking Center Dr.
Louisville, KY 40222
Book Appointment



• Employees nor guests will be permitted on the premises if they have COVID-19 symptoms

• Guests will be required to call the salon when they arrive 502-425-7075/502-216-8383

• If the salon is at capacity, guests will receive a text when they can enter the premises, as you may be waiting in your car or outside.

• Employees will receive a temperature check prior to entering premises

• The number of guests on premises will be limited to ensure 6ft social distancing

• No persons will be allowed to sit in the waiting area

• Dividers will be used to ensure social distancing.

• Employees and guests will wear protective facemasks

• All equipment used by a service provider will be sanitized between guests

• Guests will be expected to wash their hands or use sanitizer upon entering the salon company

• Doors and exits will be routinely sanitized
We can all do our part to prevent the spread of illness in our community. You can help by staying home and rescheduling your appointment if you’re feeling sick. Symptoms may appear 2–14 days after exposure and include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. If you are healthy, we look forward to seeing you with your protective face mask!

If you’ve had symptoms or have tested positive for Covid-19, you can reschedule your appointment after the following per the CDC:
1. 3 days with no fever and
2. Symptoms improved and
3. 10 days since symptoms first appeared

If you tested positive for Covid-19 but had no symptoms, you can reschedule your appointment after 10 days have passed since test.